An Advice To Your 15 Year Old Self


I was watching a YouTube video and came across this question and I gave it some genuine thought.

I think I'd tell myself to not worry so much if not at all, assure the younger me that even if it feels like I'm in the deepest pit of bad luck, things are going to turn out alright.
Tell myself that I'll turn out fine and pat myself on the back for being able to cope without other people.
Maybe also tell myself that it may look like I've failed myself and others tremendously, the same failure will bring me the greatest joy I have ever encountered.
Tell me to never fully depend on others because some will leave when the check is cleared.
To be self-reliant, but not completely closed from everyone.
That there are people who will be there.
And that patience is virtue (which would still take me forever to fully gain that virtue)

I think it's sad that the slightly older me is telling the younger me this.
Learning things the hard way is never easy, but the lesson learned is engraved in my head.


I just got back from KL and it was tiring. Who knew it'd require so much walking?
Sleeping on a stranger's shoulder on the plane for the whole plane ride is as awkward as it looks like on TV.
No kidding.
In my defence, we both were sleeping and only realised it when waking up as we landed.

Dear nice stranger, 

If you ever read this, please know that it was very awkward for me and hope that it wasn't so awkward for you. I am truly sorry if that will cause you to be more aware in your next plane rides. Because, let's face it, the best rides are the ones where unexpected things happen. (Free food, cool turbulence, nice people you meet who talks about their kids and gets excited about it or maybe if you're lucky, a child who doesn't cry and smiles at you and sits in their seat)

