Run, run, run, run, RUN!
Congratulations, you've reached the finishing line!

Aah well hello Padang Balapan, we meet again.
Only this year I last see you paint red, yellow, green and blue all over you only to scream purple at the end of the day.
And that's the end of it guys! Our final Sports Day. 

Did I contribute? YES I DID
I joined FP and came to practice guys! lol that's commitment right?
I threw the Javelin and ran 1500m and headed the designing of the Hulubalang shirts (my favourite's the Committee shirt, if you needed that to be pointed out heheheh)
I think I did more this year than I have the past years combined.

Well done to Panglima's FP for bagging first place!
You guys deserved it, because it was really good.
Proud for Hulu's MP because that too was good methinks.
Go Abg Zizi and team! (ew lol)
Personally, I loved Laksamana's and Panglima's FP. I only watched Hulu's on YouTube and I thought 'hey, we weren't so bad at all'

Can you feel my Hulu love

Hulu4lyfe (Hakeem came up with most of the designs. Intricate stuff. Too bad the shop couldn't do it)

FP shirts

All houses reps lol

SIS + Ifwat photobombing


Crossed the FINISH line

this one makes me laugh for some reason hahahaha but still, LOUD

FP Feels. I tried to do the 'H' but here's a heart instead

