So like, because we can't stand (well it's more like I can't stand) not seeing each other, we decided Wednesday night shall be BBQ night!
Apparently, organising an event (as simple as it may look) takes a lot of work.
The next day after KQ, my mum woke me up to buy chicken when I planned to repay my sleeping debts... but no.
I thought the shopping can be done a few hours before the barbecue but then oh right marinating takes a day.
So anyway, here's the picture roll (and in no particular order whatsoever)
I'm sure there's some more but I can't find them or something.
On the other hand, thanks for coming and helping out with setting up the stuff and cutting the last minute stuff.
ALSO, big big thanks to our KZ for helping out like cray!
Aznur&Izzul KO after camp though... mayn.
Zeer's idea of a new menu... Sometimes Zeer....hmmm
An attempt at a complete shot, but not really
So called 'awkward first time jumpa shot'
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close I (Bru version)
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close II
Another attempt at a complete shot, but this one's a better one though
Why we love tikars doncha think?
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close III
KE makes the greatest appearances sometimes heheheh
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close IV
'the filter is stronk in this picture' just NO
first she said she wasn't coming and that totally killed my McD mood
and then an unknown car comes in
(not that I know any of my friends' mode of transportation)and then KE
comes out?!?!?!?!!!? like yo how is that not magic!
Love the cake mwahhsss
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close V
Life saver with the extra grill hehehehe
Zeer as a hijabi sistur here!
what cake can do to people
Throwback! ugama school nasi lol
SR Selfie I
SR Selfie II
SR Selfie III
ok JR Selfie I tia HAHA
My seniors rocks??? tohotes
here goes nothing... we tried to be swaggy HAHAHAHA
way too good
what are proper shots anymore?
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close VI
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