Monday Yet Again


It's February!

And we're back from the weekend holiday!
This morning we all agreed that it was probably the best 3-day break we've ever had. (4 for me heheh)
Don't get us wrong, I mean school is an abundance of fun but lately things are just chasing after us, slowly slapping the reality of A2 year in the face.
Anyway, the weekend was a good time to basically just catch up with work (when I really would like to say 'catch up with my series' but no)

A morning assembly informally introducing our new principal, Cg Dr Hjh Zurina.
It was really informal like they said it like this, 'And now I'd like to informally introduce our new principal, Cg Dr Hjh Zurina'
That simple. No fancy shmancy opening remarks that no one even listens to. Love it.
And we had a Yaasin recital but I was lost because I was caught up doing something else. Tsk, bad senior. (I can finally label myself as a senior guys!)
Which leads me to, if all students were to have like a name card, mine would look like this:

Mills Wafiuddin,
Senior Citizen,
Maktab Sains PSBS

I've actually been thinking about that for a few months now. Hmm. 

PE class deserves a highlight here. 
Of all the things we thought we were getting too old for, the PE Department made it clear that the Fitness Test is not one of them. 
Thus, the 2.4 KM + Shuttle run + sit ups + push ups and etc.
I don't mind doing the sit ups but the push ups... Houston, we have a problem.
Didn't help that people were like 'lower Mills, turunkan lagi tangan atu!'
I'm just like 'I don't have arm strength ok!'
'Then develop it!'

The effect of the exclamation mark is so you'd get an image of the stereotypical football coaches in movies lol
I hope that worked though.

Ok so I kind of just immediately died as I reached home and I'm not complaining. 
I woke up hungry so I ate whatever I can find on the table.
Which was Kolomee... which I later found out was my sister's. 
I am a really nice big sister guys. 
Don't let the kolomee eating monster deceive you.

Ah yes, the coining term of the day is: Cloudment
That is judgement+clouded.
Literature was a fun bum!
(Fun bum is cool shut up guys)
and Vanessa just came back so we're all like HEEYYYYY YOU!
When you've been in the same Lit class since Year 9, you learn that in every person, there is a posh and dramatic side. 
And you learn to grow with them heheh. 
Much love for the Lit Crowd. 

Have a good weekday guys! Bye!

