Year of the Horse

I kinda had to

(It's legit because today's Chinese New Year!)

I'm not sure what I wanna write about because I kinda thought this blog is almost dead. So, this post could act as a CPR. Do you geddit? CPR? Back alive? No? Ok.

So basically, I spent my night greeting everyone I know who celebrates CNY which got tricky because I wasn't sure if I should also include the half Chinese and the quarter Chinese. Anything beyond quarter doesn't count btw, like 1/12.

Anyway, today's the final day of January and I've had a good one so far. Did I tell you I got this new iPod Dock and I regretted it at first but I learned to love it because it also functions as a radio and an alarm? AND it comes with a remote control guys. I mean, talk.about living the healthy life right?

Right, it was also Aznur's birthday 2 days ago! Our friend is now 16! So big lah you. I cry.

Classes are great, people are great and everything is just wonderful, I'm having the time of my life. (Lily Allen)



xom. [Posted via Blogaway]
