We're still in the month of December and tomorrow would be the last day of both the month and 2013. Wow time.
My posts and calendar for December:
Since it's all very recent (although I can't believe some of them were actually just this month!), I vow to write about each and one of them. With details, hopefully.
Sleeping Beauty on Skates (2/12)
The plan to go watch this was made weeks before the actual date. I said 'ok' to the question of wanting to go without even asking my mother and that's pretty crazy and I remember only asking her while I was in Singapore through WhatsApp because that way she can't get angry at me HAHAHAHA but she replied along the lines of we'll talk about this when you get back. (spoiler alert: I went!)
The show itself wasn't quite bad but maybe because all my childhood I've only seen Disney on Ice, I have to say this one did not leave a memorable impression. There was a lot of singing and there were only like 10 people skating. The theatrics were mainly coloured lights, loud music (too loud you can't hear the people sing) and the change of costumes. No flying, jumping acrobats. But I don't think Sleeping Beauty needed that.
The greatest decision made on this night was to get the brown tickets. You could get the same view for $10 less on the blue chairs opposite us but the brown chairs were really comfy so you can sit in any position you want. I don't know why I'm talking about chairs...
Oh, the day also marked itself as my first sleepover at a non-relative's place! My very very Asian mother decided to finally say yes after all the years!
Second day and my December was turning out great already. I think everything depends on the company you have, no?
Gator Dinner (3/12)
Our friend Fakhrul decided to text in the morning asking everyone if we were free to go out for dinner. Just so you know, we usually plan our outings days before (bc asian moms) but somehow everything all worked out for the better because my mum was all down with it. Everyone went except for BJ (booooo!) and all we did was have a simple dinner at Pastamania and gossip. With this bunch, 'bitching' does not apply for some reason.
It was a very short one and we parted ways after that (ok ovs) but like yeah, everyone left after that.
The thing about this bunch is that, no one (with heavy emphasis) replies your texts. Maybe sometimes. But it's still cool because it works like this, you have the annoyed and the annoying. The system works perfectly well. (I'm the annoying if you really needed that to be pointed out)
EM's WRHI2013 series (3/12)
I started doing the WRHI2013 series because Ezzati was doing one on her WordPress and I thought it would be a good way to remember the year. Click WRHI2013 to go the post!
I hope the post explains itself.
The East (7/12)
EM and BJ went to my place initially just to hang out. But we ended up just doing our own thing on our laptops. We don't share anything in common when it comes to series or movies (Eznur watches Supernatural though)((Eznur is Ezzati + Aznur btw))
We watched The East in the dark (it got dark and too lazy to stand up and switch on the lights) and EM went home rather early so BJ&I finished the movie.
It was good but I did fall asleep for a few minutes.
Since BJ stayed a bit longer, we went out to get Brunswick. mmmmmm cinnamon rolls anytime!
and I realised while updating, I spent most of my early December with the Gators (and I still don't know why we call ourselves this)
Getting rejected and its subcategories (8-13/12)
Our supposed family trip became family trip minus Mills because my passport was 6 months due to expiry. For this, refer Rejected
I wasn't remotely sad about it, in fact I actually had a lot of fun having the house to myself.
During this period, my grandmother insisted on sending me food for dinner usually and hey another sleepover session!
The earliest I woke up during this time was like 8. But that's only because our friend wanted roti kosong for breakfast... and I said yes. why.
Also during this period, we tried out Chez Fio in Qiulap (a must go for all those who eat) The environment was very cozy and homey.
And just a reminder for everyone, when looking for kueh at 4pm, Sumbangsih can offer you nothing because everyone decides to go home and make some more kueh for the next day. That one Thursday (12/12) we went there with the hopes of finding kueh to bring to Nini's TTT and we left disappointed. After several texts (not really, it was just 1) we finally settled for Le Apple's carrot cake and walnut cake.
It was also a period of Modern Family marathon and movie streaming (depending on our luck with the internet)
Oh and when we wanted to cook lunner once, I was like where did the onions goooooooo??!?!?! So I had to settle with garlic. Tuna Pasta yoo first time. I wanted to make Fakhrul's version of tuna pasta, but I was afraid I might not have the ingredients and that would mean having to go to the shop and get them. NO.
Oh! And I picked up my passport the day after my parents+adiks came back. They didn't even text me to inform that it was done you know.
Muhsin's pre-departure BBQ (17/12)
The whole BBQ thing was planned for New Year which would be tomorrow, right? But we didn't include the fact that one of us won't be there. So to mix things up, they had the barbecue but it was totally for pre-departure.
This was also when we found out the "party" was a mix of family AND friends.
One thing we have never ever done is to invite both our friends and family to the same function. We've always had it separated and it's all for a good cause!
Ok so, nerves aside, there were obviously a lot of Muhsin's friends and he said 'invite whoever you want' followed by 'but I must approve of them' HAHAHAHA ok lah your party your rules.
We stayed till around midnight and after everyone left, they decided to mix drinks using the shaker or something. I found out I am very capable of mixing flavours theoretically with its outcome as proof. eyaah esen.
AND the boys came home! It's always fun and loud when everyone's there.
Family Dinner Pt. II (21/12)
The first one was in February this year and we finally decided to have another one in December and following last year's tradition, we had it at Portview.
Most of everyone were there but just not quite everyone.
It was a really fun dinner and since the kids and adults had different tables, no one could stop us from laughing too loudly. Ka Alya went around asking everyone 'what's going on in your life?', catching up stories about seniors and juniors, arguing and all that.
It's just, we hardly meet so when we do, we have to argue. lol
Movie Hopping (24/12)
Because everyone was flying around and I haven't seen Frozen, Zizi&I decided to go watch it thank god.
We did as our "birthday treat" (because his birthday is after mine)
The plan was to go watch Walking With Dinosaurs but for some reason they ran out of tickets so we watched Frozen (a must watch everyone!) and at the counter we're like 'liat 47 Ronin eh' and he's like 'bah! aku mau liat effects nya' and I'm like oooookay then. I just wanted to watch Keanu Reeve's screen comeback.
We had to rush because Frozen ended the same time 47R started but we're like 'bali minuman dulu eh'
I'm not gonna talk about the movies because 1) I suck at rating movies 2) Not exactly how I'd like to remember my December
Anyway, all's good and c'mon, it was a pretty good belated birthday outing!
And I wanted to skip my aunt's Christmas party in KB that night anyway, so win-win.
Christmas Lunch (25/12)
We went out that day just for fun but decided it was going to be a Christmas outing. So we just ate lunch at Bello and tea at Tea Colony and went to Supa Save after to play with the trolleys.
HAHAHA I'm kidding.
I had hot chocolate while at Bello because I wanted 'the Christmas feels'
A for effort.
Bokwa (27/12)
For this, refer: Bokwa
Sleepover at Nini's (28/12)
I slept over at my nini's because it's the holidays duhh and I guess because I haven't exactly had a heavy meal for breakfast, I had my share of food and fun that day. Grandparents are really something aren't they?
At first it was just me, Yasier and Rahemah having breakfast. Then the boys came over and they're like 'whoah I haven't had this much since forever'
I had peanut butter toast, nasi goreng, beef lasgna, tea and milo all for breakfast.
Who eats that much for breakfast?
But hey, if the nini says, the nini does.
Bowling (29/12)
I'm not one to bowl but the hell with it right? because I'm like why not!
Things I learned that night:
But hayyy, there's always first times for everything. Last night just happened to be both the first time in bowling in public and meeting new people.
Because when I do meet new people, we're usually there for a common reason or I have someone I know to break the ice or they warm up to me (this usually happens) or when I do try to warm up to them and they still have cold shoulder, I would shrug and leave them and curse and hate them forever (jkjk)
Things to remember in the future *looks at future Mills*:
Lol anyway, it was fun to some extent but fun indeed.
Ambil darah (30/12)
My first ever! I was soooo excited! Although it wasn't for fun purposes but who cares! And also I don't know what 'ambil darah' in English is.
When the man was preparing the needle I was like 'is it okay if I take a picture?' and he's like 'sure'
I might have pushed it though, because I was like 'is it okay if my mum takes the picture?' and then he's like 'haha sure why not'
I'm like damn this guy is so cool.
But he's probably thinking 'I think this girl thinks cameras can affect the process tsk'
[This post will be edited by New Year]
That's for now but maybe some more pictures soon!
My posts and calendar for December:
- Sleeping Beauty on Skates
- Gator dinner
- EM's What Really Happened in 2013 series
- The East
- Getting rejected and its subcategories
- Muhsin's pre-departure BBQ
- Family Dinner Pt. II
- Movie Hopping
- Christmas lunch
- Bokwa
- Sleepover at Nini's
- Bowling
- Ambil darah
Since it's all very recent (although I can't believe some of them were actually just this month!), I vow to write about each and one of them. With details, hopefully.
Sleeping Beauty on Skates (2/12)
The plan to go watch this was made weeks before the actual date. I said 'ok' to the question of wanting to go without even asking my mother and that's pretty crazy and I remember only asking her while I was in Singapore through WhatsApp because that way she can't get angry at me HAHAHAHA but she replied along the lines of we'll talk about this when you get back. (spoiler alert: I went!)
The show itself wasn't quite bad but maybe because all my childhood I've only seen Disney on Ice, I have to say this one did not leave a memorable impression. There was a lot of singing and there were only like 10 people skating. The theatrics were mainly coloured lights, loud music (too loud you can't hear the people sing) and the change of costumes. No flying, jumping acrobats. But I don't think Sleeping Beauty needed that.
The greatest decision made on this night was to get the brown tickets. You could get the same view for $10 less on the blue chairs opposite us but the brown chairs were really comfy so you can sit in any position you want. I don't know why I'm talking about chairs...
Oh, the day also marked itself as my first sleepover at a non-relative's place! My very very Asian mother decided to finally say yes after all the years!
Second day and my December was turning out great already. I think everything depends on the company you have, no?
Gator Dinner (3/12)
Our friend Fakhrul decided to text in the morning asking everyone if we were free to go out for dinner. Just so you know, we usually plan our outings days before (bc asian moms) but somehow everything all worked out for the better because my mum was all down with it. Everyone went except for BJ (booooo!) and all we did was have a simple dinner at Pastamania and gossip. With this bunch, 'bitching' does not apply for some reason.
It was a very short one and we parted ways after that (ok ovs) but like yeah, everyone left after that.
The thing about this bunch is that, no one (with heavy emphasis) replies your texts. Maybe sometimes. But it's still cool because it works like this, you have the annoyed and the annoying. The system works perfectly well. (I'm the annoying if you really needed that to be pointed out)
EM's WRHI2013 series (3/12)
I started doing the WRHI2013 series because Ezzati was doing one on her WordPress and I thought it would be a good way to remember the year. Click WRHI2013 to go the post!
I hope the post explains itself.
The East (7/12)
EM and BJ went to my place initially just to hang out. But we ended up just doing our own thing on our laptops. We don't share anything in common when it comes to series or movies (Eznur watches Supernatural though)((Eznur is Ezzati + Aznur btw))
We watched The East in the dark (it got dark and too lazy to stand up and switch on the lights) and EM went home rather early so BJ&I finished the movie.
It was good but I did fall asleep for a few minutes.
Since BJ stayed a bit longer, we went out to get Brunswick. mmmmmm cinnamon rolls anytime!
and I realised while updating, I spent most of my early December with the Gators (and I still don't know why we call ourselves this)
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My very social friends, everyone |
Getting rejected and its subcategories (8-13/12)
Our supposed family trip became family trip minus Mills because my passport was 6 months due to expiry. For this, refer Rejected
I wasn't remotely sad about it, in fact I actually had a lot of fun having the house to myself.
During this period, my grandmother insisted on sending me food for dinner usually and hey another sleepover session!
The earliest I woke up during this time was like 8. But that's only because our friend wanted roti kosong for breakfast... and I said yes. why.
Also during this period, we tried out Chez Fio in Qiulap (a must go for all those who eat) The environment was very cozy and homey.
And just a reminder for everyone, when looking for kueh at 4pm, Sumbangsih can offer you nothing because everyone decides to go home and make some more kueh for the next day. That one Thursday (12/12) we went there with the hopes of finding kueh to bring to Nini's TTT and we left disappointed. After several texts (not really, it was just 1) we finally settled for Le Apple's carrot cake and walnut cake.
It was also a period of Modern Family marathon and movie streaming (depending on our luck with the internet)
Oh and when we wanted to cook lunner once, I was like where did the onions goooooooo??!?!?! So I had to settle with garlic. Tuna Pasta yoo first time. I wanted to make Fakhrul's version of tuna pasta, but I was afraid I might not have the ingredients and that would mean having to go to the shop and get them. NO.
Oh! And I picked up my passport the day after my parents+adiks came back. They didn't even text me to inform that it was done you know.
Muhsin's pre-departure BBQ (17/12)
The whole BBQ thing was planned for New Year which would be tomorrow, right? But we didn't include the fact that one of us won't be there. So to mix things up, they had the barbecue but it was totally for pre-departure.
This was also when we found out the "party" was a mix of family AND friends.
One thing we have never ever done is to invite both our friends and family to the same function. We've always had it separated and it's all for a good cause!
Ok so, nerves aside, there were obviously a lot of Muhsin's friends and he said 'invite whoever you want' followed by 'but I must approve of them' HAHAHAHA ok lah your party your rules.
We stayed till around midnight and after everyone left, they decided to mix drinks using the shaker or something. I found out I am very capable of mixing flavours theoretically with its outcome as proof. eyaah esen.
AND the boys came home! It's always fun and loud when everyone's there.
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our Family&Friends (wow that took a lot of courage HAHAHAHA) |
Family Dinner Pt. II (21/12)
The first one was in February this year and we finally decided to have another one in December and following last year's tradition, we had it at Portview.
Most of everyone were there but just not quite everyone.
It was a really fun dinner and since the kids and adults had different tables, no one could stop us from laughing too loudly. Ka Alya went around asking everyone 'what's going on in your life?', catching up stories about seniors and juniors, arguing and all that.
It's just, we hardly meet so when we do, we have to argue. lol
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Loud |
Movie Hopping (24/12)
Because everyone was flying around and I haven't seen Frozen, Zizi&I decided to go watch it thank god.
We did as our "birthday treat" (because his birthday is after mine)
The plan was to go watch Walking With Dinosaurs but for some reason they ran out of tickets so we watched Frozen (a must watch everyone!) and at the counter we're like 'liat 47 Ronin eh' and he's like 'bah! aku mau liat effects nya' and I'm like oooookay then. I just wanted to watch Keanu Reeve's screen comeback.
We had to rush because Frozen ended the same time 47R started but we're like 'bali minuman dulu eh'
I'm not gonna talk about the movies because 1) I suck at rating movies 2) Not exactly how I'd like to remember my December
Anyway, all's good and c'mon, it was a pretty good belated birthday outing!
And I wanted to skip my aunt's Christmas party in KB that night anyway, so win-win.
Christmas Lunch (25/12)
We went out that day just for fun but decided it was going to be a Christmas outing. So we just ate lunch at Bello and tea at Tea Colony and went to Supa Save after to play with the trolleys.
HAHAHA I'm kidding.
I had hot chocolate while at Bello because I wanted 'the Christmas feels'
A for effort.
Bokwa (27/12)
For this, refer: Bokwa
Sleepover at Nini's (28/12)
I slept over at my nini's because it's the holidays duhh and I guess because I haven't exactly had a heavy meal for breakfast, I had my share of food and fun that day. Grandparents are really something aren't they?
At first it was just me, Yasier and Rahemah having breakfast. Then the boys came over and they're like 'whoah I haven't had this much since forever'
I had peanut butter toast, nasi goreng, beef lasgna, tea and milo all for breakfast.
Who eats that much for breakfast?
But hey, if the nini says, the nini does.
Bowling (29/12)
I'm not one to bowl but the hell with it right? because I'm like why not!
Things I learned that night:
- I suck at making conversations with people I've just met
- I suck at bowling
- I really do suck at mingling
- I find it difficult to extend my hand and say 'Hi, I'm Mills' just as I have the scene played in my head over and over again (or like the way Mal introduced herself back in Y9)
- Damn I really do suck at bowling. WHY IS BOWLING EVEN AN OLYMPIC SPORT IN 1988 (yes I googled shhh)
But hayyy, there's always first times for everything. Last night just happened to be both the first time in bowling in public and meeting new people.
Because when I do meet new people, we're usually there for a common reason or I have someone I know to break the ice or they warm up to me (this usually happens) or when I do try to warm up to them and they still have cold shoulder, I would shrug and leave them and curse and hate them forever (jkjk)
Things to remember in the future *looks at future Mills*:
- Try and mingle more
- Try to blend in but don't overkill it (bc ur a killla) HAHAHA naht
Lol anyway, it was fun to some extent but fun indeed.
Ambil darah (30/12)
My first ever! I was soooo excited! Although it wasn't for fun purposes but who cares! And also I don't know what 'ambil darah' in English is.
When the man was preparing the needle I was like 'is it okay if I take a picture?' and he's like 'sure'
I might have pushed it though, because I was like 'is it okay if my mum takes the picture?' and then he's like 'haha sure why not'
I'm like damn this guy is so cool.
But he's probably thinking 'I think this girl thinks cameras can affect the process tsk'
[This post will be edited by New Year]
That's for now but maybe some more pictures soon!
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