Final Days of Ramadhan


The things people leave in my room... or the things I buy only to want to eat it at 1PM Ramadhan time.

What Monday had to offer!
-RIPD (it's pretty funny I guess but not sure if it's a to-kill-for movie yknow)
-Sungkai di tanah Swensens! Don't ever forget how good their breads are.
-The Conjuring (Asians will soon realise that white people can make horror movies too) well done people, well done!
-Drink up sesh at Cheezbox. I keep on saying cheese cake because I wanted pancakes from Cheezbox? I have this awesome unconscious habit of mixing words (bc I can't mix drinks)
That's pretty funny right guys? Right?

Other than that, I am proud to say I had no trouble sleeping last night after the movie, probably because I was crazy knackered but you know, it was pretty fun.

Here's to the final days of Ramadhan with good company and good food! *clinks glass full of air zam-zam*

huh, I just realised that clink is probably an onomatopoeia.
