weekend & food

N I  H A O

Hey guys, how are we today?
Hopefully all is well!

The day in school was great + hellish (bad time in math class i wanna punch her face...with love)
Lav and Simon was there as well and they sort of filled in on what's been going on and I can pretty much sum it up to; they've been having fun.
Which doesn't come easy without having a few annoyances around.

Right so I came back home from school today and after settling in on my bed (I told myself I'd study, but the rain and the hunger and Mr & Mrs Smith wasn't much help), my mum came into the room, well, she barged in actually but I can't say anything because she's the lady of the house (on some events, she insists I refer to her as 'Madam' when I text her or when I ask her questions) and the conversation went something like this:

Madam: Babu buat lemonade.
Moi     : Umm... ok?
Madam: Payah cari lemons tadi di Hua Ho, paksa Babu tanya the man. And the queue was long.
Moi     : Bahapa babu trouble yourself, we could have buat it tomorrow.
Madam: Kamilah jua mau lemonade for sungkai
Moi     : I don't remember saying that. I think you got me confused with your other child.
Madam: Mana ada Adi minta buatkan.
Moi     : Hakim lah bo. He's the only one who's white enough to drink lemonade. I mean, who calls it 'lemonade' anyway? I call it air limau i dono
Madam: Air limau? Anak siapa kan kau ani. It's lemonade kamilah, stick with that. Bapa's calling. Bah if you feel tired, rehat dulu, adangtah kan tidur saja. *leaves the room*
Moi    : it's. air. limau. TELL YOUR HUSBAND I SAID HI!

And after sungkai we went to get cinnamon rolls to send to my Nini's because OMG my grandmother decided to send fish curry for my sungkai?! 
I mean, fish curry?!! She's wonderful. I love her curries. lovelovelove.
When we arrived to give the rolls, she decided to give us a jar of sotong. Like the crunchy ones?
Now I can't stop eating the damn thing. 
1 month of their hospitality, and BAM! overweight.

later guys!

