
I be dying right now.
Actually, I change my mind about that.
I feel as if I were to die because my whole body aches.
That makes no difference whatever.

Aight so here's how I spent my first day of June: Miri.
That should sum everything up I hope in case I fail to make anything sound very Miri-an.
I was actually kinda proud of myself because the things I bought I used the money people gave me which and basically spent like $50 on cookies and get this, Polaroid films.
Which is funny because I don't even own a Polaroid camera!
And I spent over a hundred buying earpods because I felt patronized by the sales guy at that darn shop (he kept on giving a look that says 'you have no money peasant Bruneian' well F YOU)
Ego can kill.
Or rather they can slim your purse down.

The day was pretty long so I'm gonna end it here.
Bye guys!

