
First day back to school: Can't ask for anything better. Lit was filled with advices and tips for exams. PE was  when we continued with the rugby drills, PS was filled with work from the SC but also some chit-chat sessions and History was us understanding source based questions. Mathematics was re-doing Integration and Cg let us out early by half an hour. She's the best.

Rugby in the afternoon and checked on the mural after that and went to Ka Qil's wedding (they're so good together like lawa berabis)

I realised I have a lot to be thankful for and I seem to forget to say my thanks and gratitude because I see that without the people I have in my life right now, I would've turned another direction or something but the people around are so damn motivational, they inspire you to do better. And we try to tell each other that the best is yet to come if we continue working as hard and as smart as we can. Always.

Not being deep or anything but it's the truth. I hope this can continue next year as well especially with some people off graduating and going abroad or moving schools. I hope the motivation stays.

I read Amalina's blog (I feel like such a badass when I say 'Amalina' mcm strict bunyinya) and buddddy, it's our turn to annoy the shit out of PTEM students weeeeeeeeeee! see you tomorrow!

