
"Saya ada seekor kambing. Kambing saya makan samut"
...This has been running around in my head the whole day. 
I. Don't. Even. smh

So, how was today strangers!
I'm guessing today's pretty good no?
It rained and it was pretty cold. 
Finally stop hearing people moaning around complaining about the heat.
Yes, I stopped complaining as well.

Today was pretty good I have to admit.
Stayed back to finish up some work (I have never felt so productive + smart)
I got free cupcakes (People paid for these during lunch and I got 5 of them for free just 2 hours later HAHAHAHA) (Alhamdulillah, rezeki)
I didn't eat all of them obviously. 
I'm not that nuts about cupcakes unfortunately.. So I ate 2! 

All my classes went well, all fun and erthang.
Lunch time was pretty funny because HAHAH cali jua ah
Nominated for Best Friendship! *drumrolls* 





I ain't telling here!
I guess some would know? Because I'm pretty sure I laughed really hard and said something along the lines of 'wow that made my day'
Although, it was also during lunch that people* decided to gang up on me and said I've never invited them for training sessions.
Ya Allah, sakitnya sampai ke hati. 
I transformed from student to Academy Award winning actress in a split second because I went 'what? never? aiiiiiii! ouch' yknow, with all my hand gestures and shit.
Kira exaggerating lah tu tapinya banar pulang. Sikit.
I think they meant it because it took a while for them to go 'awu wah'
I had to pull extra moves to make that happen! 
Again, hello Academy Award committee!
Nyeh, but it's cool (it's not)(esen tapinya), because I knew I was losing anyway (2 against 1? really?) so I let it slip (this time!)

Are you annoyed by my brackets yet?

Tonight's good as well! Printed my notes, switched off my phone and my iPod. 
Don't take it personally though!

After school just now, we went to meet Alice - she's our tailor/dressmaker (or so she says in her card)
I thought kan potong baju, rupanya ohh fitting session tah tarus ni
I didn't even know I had my bajus made.
I don't even recall having my measurements taken.
I thought it was for raya but ok, inda rupanya.
Now I'm drained. (Literal+Figurative)

See you soon!

* - IL Z, FI R

