Hey there May!

Hellew everybody!

Today's the first day of May!
I can't believe it's been 5 months since school started.
A lot has happened.

Today's a good day!
Right, um, I didn't sleep during History and I listened tentatively.
yup yup I did!
How I managed to do that, I have no idea as well.
But I do hope that this will stay.

Math class was fun and annoying at the same time.
Annoying because I lost marks in a question I could have easily scored and now I wanna tear the paper.
Fun because hey, it's math class.
Today's apparently Ms Nik's last day teaching us and I hate it when you grow to like someone and they ... leave.
Here we go again!
Yeah so she took pictures and all that and we did the normal stuff like wishing her the best and all.

Literature and GP was just as productive (Thank God).
It's funny yknow, the weather this morning was so perfect to be sleepy in.
And all my classes are air conditioned so, it's surprising how I managed to stay awake instead.

I be spending them with my crazy friends (the story of how we became friends I don't even know anymore)
basically during break time, we just talked about how people usually touch other people and all that and you know with my friends, they just have a way to make it all the more weird and disturbing.

I went home for lunch because it's PS muthasuckas!
And no Ezzati, you'd make a good boyfriend and I'd make a good 'I'm-forever-clingy-to-you' girlfriend.
That is another reason why we are made for each other kisskissmwahmwahhugsyoface
Ok Jass you can join too ;-)
If you've been given the privilege to read her wordpress (hahaha bcs it's gone now), she's talking a lot about touching (maigod) and i think it's best to just refer from there.
... Yes, you will be touched.
Fakhrul was MIA because them Chemists had a big ass test to sit for later in the afternoon.
I have yellow minded Asian friends.
Aren't they great?

