Once more, updating through the old iPod can never be more stress-free!
I don't even know why I bother typing it out on the laptop.
because I care, that's right!
So alright, B&W post (no problem) but no trademarked right side check out signature?!
Tonight, I wanna burden you with the story of my life!
Naah I'm kidding
Lately, some Whatsapp group turned quiet while the dead one suddenly rose back up.
While there are some that can't seem to stop texting like they won't see each other again the next day.
Note to self: design software to block bullshit and irrelevant texts.
Basically, I'm not too sure what to talk about although I had a checklist in my head 10 minutes before this!
A for effort!
Ok classic update: after finishing Jeffrey Archer's Cat-O-Nine Tales (suggested by Abang Ali and further lauded by Pamit), I'm currently reading Pamela Druckerman's Bringing Up Bébé (suggested by Ka Mal after she saw Abang returned my Amy Chua's Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother)
So far the book really got my attention and it's kinda weird at first because it looks like a parenting book but then it's not, although it probably is a little (why am I denying this)
So yeah, after I finish this baby up, we shall continue with The Lord Archer's To Cut A Long Story Short.
Suddenly into J. A now.
I guess that's it for now.
I shall update ASAP about my rants NYEHAHAH
See you real soon!
Once more, updating through the old iPod can never be more stress-free!
I don't even know why I bother typing it out on the laptop.
because I care, that's right!
So alright, B&W post (no problem) but no trademarked right side check out signature?!
Tonight, I wanna burden you with the story of my life!
Naah I'm kidding
Lately, some Whatsapp group turned quiet while the dead one suddenly rose back up.
While there are some that can't seem to stop texting like they won't see each other again the next day.
Note to self: design software to block bullshit and irrelevant texts.
Basically, I'm not too sure what to talk about although I had a checklist in my head 10 minutes before this!
A for effort!
Ok classic update: after finishing Jeffrey Archer's Cat-O-Nine Tales (suggested by Abang Ali and further lauded by Pamit), I'm currently reading Pamela Druckerman's Bringing Up Bébé (suggested by Ka Mal after she saw Abang returned my Amy Chua's Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother)
So far the book really got my attention and it's kinda weird at first because it looks like a parenting book but then it's not, although it probably is a little (why am I denying this)
So yeah, after I finish this baby up, we shall continue with The Lord Archer's To Cut A Long Story Short.
Suddenly into J. A now.
I guess that's it for now.
I shall update ASAP about my rants NYEHAHAH
See you real soon!
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