

It's ... Thursday today!
Which is ... awesome!
Are you ... getting annoyed yet?
By my ... constant use of ellipsis? 

Alright, let's do the 'lemme-fill-you-in-with-happened-to-me-today-because-i-want-to-annoy-you' thingymajigs.

The journey to school was pretty good I think?
Still getting used to having traffic lights arah the roundabout.
The weather was nice and dull and calm and dark.
It would've been much more awesome if the library opened so I can spend my morning PS enjoying the weather and the AC.
but.. NO. 
I realised how the librarians make a big part of my life.
Appreciate what you have *content looking emoticon face thing*
This would've been so good if I could put some emojis in.

PS was ... productive, in another way of saying it.
The hub was omaigod fullnya because there were Year 9&10s waiting for something I don't even know.
So, voluntarily (though hesitantly) retreated to the non AC hub. 

History class was productive as well.
Having to study about Russian emperors are much better than having to study about German ministers fo sho.

Time flew like a bullet train, BREAK TIME!
eat, talk, drink, repeat cycle for half an hour (circle of life yo)
and then ada Math tia, this class I'm excited for because it's Ms Sevon (another fan of my BPLs whatsupp)
and additionally because I've actually done the work she told us to do.

Lit was fun obviously, but maybe not so much today because my eyes are dead heavy.
I'm pretty sure I dozed off at some point.
ughh guilty.
but I did get to read Norfolk's line!
hurrrah to actress Mills! 
2 lines of BS.
HAHAHAHAHA k maybe not.

like a faster bullet train, LUNCH!
Nothing much to say here I guess.

GP got cancelled and nasib baik jua the project habis sudah so I just slacked around the hub which was amazingg because the AC was in and it started to rain super heavy.
Went to a short session of CCA and left early.
Recipe for today: carrot cake!

Aerobics was pretty good (I don't really mind staying back now, hehhe yay transition!)
Stayed, danced, ran, sprinted and segala begarak atu and lookies, Ana was being amazing and gave me a slice of the cake. 
Um who can resist having carrot cake + cream cheese + delivered and handled personally by Ana?

So basically, the day in school was good but the night at Nini's was great.
Tonight's segment comeback ........ TTT!
Some of you might know *looks at Ashraff* the TTT or maybe not.
HAHAHA who reads this anyway
Totally Thursday Tnights!

In today's TTT, we feature Ka Qils, Ka Mal, Ka Nads, Ka Syura and Rahemah!
These are the people who say they don't enjoy my BPLs and pick up lines but please we all know the truth.
Sometimes I forget that  I'm talking to them, therefore the jokes become, how do we say, inappropriate.
Not because it's dirty or anything but really, I have pro-feminist cousins.
Like when I dropped the istana one, they're like 'you can't own anyone. slavery lalalalalala stuff like that'
But that makes it more amusing right?
Having to argue?

I'd like to dive into details but I realised I typed out the paragraphs before this one about 20 minutes ago and I really should be posting it.
Let's just say we made amendments to some of the jokes. 

