i do.

I love you guys.
I owe you my life.
Who am I to judge and say something anyway?
I'm nothing compared to you guys.
I love you I really do.
But you people are crazy.
You people know no limits.
You do but you chose not to apply it.
I love you I really do.
With all my heart,  I do.
I will never disrespect you no matter what you do to me.
Treat me like shit, you're still some people I would look up to.
But I will never forgive you for doing that.
You people chose to ignore laws.
You decided to embarrass yourselves.
Are there no more private soundproof rooms?
I love you, I really do.
I really, really do.
No matter what.
I'm just glad the kids weren't there.
That, you get a merit.
Thank you.
Stop this.
