drifting away


I've been thinking to change the usual greet to WHAT UP D?
But then, it sounds kinda weird considering not everyone gets the whole 'D' thing.

I realised I haven't updated about the days in camp and I'm losing it in my head.
So I should probably start.
Not tonight though.
Maybe if I'm really in the mood or if I try to stay awake a bit.


What does it truly mean?
Most local kids who have no qualifications at all are usually picky in job hunting.
Mau atulah, mau anilah.
Mau office be air-con, mau drive certain brands of car.
But no qualifications.
Even a basic diploma.
Tapi picky.
Cemana kan tu?

Maybe I have no rights to say anything about it because, I do not have even a basic diploma.
SO, who am I to say about this?
But I cannot be the only who notices this pattern?
Hopefully in the near future I won't be in this group and I hope that most of us kids will have enough education to think that if you have no education, you have no good job bro. 

Why is it that there are a lot of foreigners in our local universities while there are a lot more locals trying to fight for that position?
Why is there a little amount of Bruneians when you watch TV showing UNISSA's graduation day but you see a lot of foreigners filling up the front seat instead of our people?
How come it is so easy for foreigners to get a spot in universities when there are more locals qualified for it?
Who is the one getting all the credit here?
And they didn't even thank the Bruneian Government for the opportunity that was given to them.
Why am I so paranoid about this topic?


comments please! :)
