party pooper


SO, what to write about?Partly, I have to do my part and apologize to my classmates for not making the birthday so HAPPENING because we had guests. If I had known, I would get more plates and ask to get a bigger cake? Tapi, overall I think we did a good job in all the concealing and everything. So, I'm so sorry that it didn't feel so much like a very close gathering. I'll try to make it up. One way or another.

SECONDLY, YOU SUCK. For inviting other people without asking the rest. You seem to forget that it's a class function and everyone is willing to stay back because it was SUPPOSEDLY our function. They contributed in so much ways and you didn't even seem to appreciate the thoughts that everyone gave. BOTH OF YOU. Other people might not mind because they believe in 'the more the merrier'. Well, not me. Especially when it's planned FOR and BY the whole class. You seem to just assume that everyone wants extra guests because you feel like it. This way, it's like you are stripping off everyone's right as an individual. I learned my lesson. The hard way. Thanks a lot.

