
As much as I love gifts, I tend to be in doubt when I get suspicious when they get me fake stuffs. I mean, you don't have to get me those things, you can just get me the Mamee Crackers and I'm a happy person :) But I appreciate for remembering to get me something :P HAHAGAGA So, thank you for the wonderful real/fake gift :) No sarcasm.

And thank you MJ Hamid for the school update, I need it like, well I really need it to catch up:) Ok, basically just a quick update before I head out to my nini's and start to have the overgrown child syndrome again. Did I also mention I started jumping around and doing rugby moves on my cousins? Who happens to be boys. Whose hip aligns with my neck. And well built. Not really, I'm built better :P HAHAHA. no, really. serious shit man. ;)

Ok, so, see you tomorrow I guess? Maybe if I'm rajin, you'll read me tonight? weseehh, sounds weird. HAHA

btw, I know how it feels to be under-appreciated and not given credit for my works. Yup, heck loads of that shit. I'll finish my post here then.

