I'm in a frightfully good mood tonight, and the whole afternoon, but not so much in the morning :/
We had tests for the whole morning-if you include the AMC (which ms zaza said as 'Australian Math Chemistry' ;) and then the English test, which by far is the HARDEST of all. Not really though, but 90% of the words were like Spanish to me. No comprende. It was divided into two sections; Underlining them and making sentences out of them.
Tadarus after that, but not so much to tell. Just reciting the verses.
Went to the library around 11.50 and stayed there till 2 with Ashraff, Aly, Watiqah, Naj, Sarah, Izzul H and then after that Aisyah and Zirah came. I was SUPPOSED to be studying my Biology but I couldn't help but join their conversation. HAHA. I'm easily distracted, yeah I know.
During that good 2 hours, we played truth or dare and it was funny as hell. One of the dares that Izzul got was to purposely drop books from the shelf (done successfully), and the truths he got was 'who was your first crush?' 'who was your second?' and it went on till his fourth. HAHAHA
And then there was the 'who's your most favourite teacher and least favourite?' -98% of the least favourite was the same. YOU KNOW LAH SIAPA. Ugh, let's not start about that. I was already cooled off until this post. The things I do for you guys is just WOW. HAHAHA. But, yes IT was on my nerves this morning too. I just wanna shove the face on concrete and just GAAAHHH!
Getting away from that, we did jokes and everything and Sarah wanted to leave the library because she was afraid that people might look at wrongly, well they already did anyway, so why stop? HAHA. There was also Ashraff who wont stop playing with rulers and erasers, creating mini catapults.
Aly: gets angry.
Ashraff: eh, ya ani yang pemarah ah?
Watiqah: yawah? bukan aku?
Ashraff: mana ada, kau yang annoying kaliah.
Watiqah: *gives a face*
Naj: what about me?
-No one answers-
Naj: eh boring eh, aku nada.
Me: Mal says you're the warm and fuzzy kind.
Ashraff: Yeah.
Naj: Fuzzy? As in literally fuzzy? (describes at her arm)
Naj: HAHA geddit?
the truth or dare part was super funny though. Sarah wants the ugly truth. And they made me repeat the Thai maid story. HMM.
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