

I went for the run today, it was pretty exciting! Woke up at 5, they came at 5.30, left 10 minutes later, no traffic, it was a pretty good starting point of my Sunday. As we arrived, we did the warm ups and I did mine with my sister and the cuzzies and Asmaa (yeah, finally met her since we left PDS. Which was great. Although she used to be more loud and crazy) Yeah, so as we flagged off, well actually during the warm ups I saw Nys' dad and I thought she wasn't there, but then I saw her during my flag off. I don't know why, but I'm guessing I just felt like I want some competition so I started trying to beat random people. UHH-KWARD. This girl, her shirt says ' I'm your competition. ' at the back and I was just like, really? for real? but yeah, through out the whole 5 km, she was my competition, he'll she won't stop at any circumstances! She was in good shape though, well built and I'm pretty sure she's one of the fitness people. HOT DAYYUM. haha, kidding.

Anyway, I didnt win it as I hoped in my head with all the congratulatory speech I would give out. HAHA, I didn't make the Top 15, but I did make it for Top 50, which I thought was pretty good because um, nada. :P So yeah, my time was 40-ish minutes and I felt kinna good about it. Probably because they gave me free drinks after that. HAHA! but I wonder right, why cant they take good shots of me? Like when I'm stretching or something? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAOMGGGGG, how the hell would I look like?! Banar wah, like the pictures they took me was like when I was doing something really stupid.

ooohohh, went lunch with the homiess yesterday and stayed for like 2 hours + which was pretty fun, then we got ice cream after that. Tapi before that, kami membagi-bagi harta dulu HAHA and as usual, when you're around your dawgs, you just can't help but bitch can you? ;)

& movie reservations for HP 7.2 is open now, call or buy online because right now most of the seats almost full even though it won't be playin in a week's time.


' I am my problem and I am my only solution '
