Hate mode... On


re-run for today and highlighting all the things I could remember. Oh yeah, my hate mode was on so yeah, pretty much wanted to shove my knuckle down your throat or poke your eyes that always seem to bulge everytime you friggin look at me. And don't cross your eyes at me. Who the hell do you think you are? Oh, so kalau kau marah ok, tapi aku inda?
Fuck hell man. It's not just you in this world.
Going away from all the drama I'm causing, the next positive point will be below.

started off with English; which was okay. Did comprehensions and that's pretty much it.
Chemistry was also fun because we continued Stoichiometry and I just love figures in my head when it challenges me, it's amazing.
MIB definitely was super fun. Although it was the same topic, but you know there are some obvious differences in both teams. Crap mine's next week.
MathD; OKAY.
E-Lit: today was a very interesting class. Ms Zaza couldn't speak AT ALL but that didn't stop her from teaching us. The whole class it was mostly gestures, questions, different opinions, peer teaching at the same time and just really studying. It was really great.

Ok, so went home trynna find the Great Gatsby and called all the bookstores and they ran out of copies so I'll just go to RH tomorrow to get other books then. Tried to find a book and I ended up buying a pair of shoes. Never ever give this child loose change. NYAHAH;)


&yes, don't fucking ask me if I'm in my hate mode tomorrow because I seriously will scrape you face on the floor. Just YOU though.
