My mom is very sweet and always caring.
She worries about me when I am in school.
She makes sure that I get where I am going
On time so that I don't feel like a fool.
She cares whenever I pick on my younger brother.
She cares whenever he or I get hurt.
She cares because she is a wonder.
She cares about the buttons on my shirt.
But best of all, my mom loves all of us
Who live with her, both when we're good and bad.
She makes me happy with a hug and kiss
And holds my hand whenever I am sad.
Thank you for all the sleepless nights and the early mornings you've sacrificed for me. More than diamonds, you are my oxygen. And more than what makes my world, you are the salt to all my days :)
Happy Mothers Day Babu :)))
This is what we made for M's Day. Somehow, the cupcake didn't turn out as what we expected but it turned out okay and edible. It looks weird though. I didn't pick out the colours, for the record.

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