idk why, but suddenly after looking at some stuffs, i was like 'who the hell started stereotyping?'
i mean, what's so fun about it? i get the whole insult as a bunch thing, but then inda siuk kaliah. and seriously, why am i not suprised that people still address them as a bunch? it's the whole bonding thing. FAKE FACE, REAL GOSSIP. now I get why people still go ape shit over them. I just don't get why they have to stereotype. why WE still stereotype.
you know what they say, blood within its blood. OPEN UP GODDAMMIT. bari sasak kali jua ah.
i dont understand why they have to ask about everything about what you do or whatever but you just cant ask them can you? it's annoying. it's not fun. it's high school. HA! end it with the classic zati style; STFU LAH
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