SO, my day went quite HOKAY today. We submitted most of the Kem Q forms and kind of felt good because we were one of the first to submit, BOY DID THAT MAKE ME FEEL GOOD! Usually, I'm always the last one to submit and then get another last minute place or something but then I FEEL GOOD TODAY! Anyways, CHOIR was sooooo hot! or at least it was just me who felt the heat rushing through my cells. Maybe it was because the room was over-crowded and then, I don't know, the humidity increased or something? We got mini flags which I still don't know what exactly it's supposed to do :0
Went home, went to Kopitiam NOT to drink coffee, to any of you guys who has the impression that I'm a heavy coffee drinker. NOT COOL. Once in a while okay what?
So, I read Syl's blog and that she mentioned to me earlier today that she's going to put me in her story. I don't really know what type of story she writes, but I really don't mind my character. Maybe I get to be the hidden super hero with a super cool cape who's been undercover. HAHAHAHA! No, whenever they say story and wanna put me in it, I just assume Batman comics. HAHAHA, Catwoman kah? Manasaja :D HAHAHAHA. Now, Syl's gonna have a hard time fitting me in her story. HEHEHEHE SORRY :D
OK, WAIT, Imma post some pictures that I took last night:
the theme here is PINK. it shows right? YEAH BABYY, NEW FLATTS ;)
yeth, i went to the beach for dinner last night. woogywoogy EM J on sand! apakann?

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