It's 10th of Muharram today meaning it's Hari Asyura. Derived from the Arabic word 'asyara' meaning ten, and it's the first ten days of Islamic New Year thus creating Hari Asyura. Did you guys puasa? I didn't. I didn't know that today was Hari Asyura. Anyhoots, since it's Thursday night and as usual we go to nini's place, yea? She made this bubur containing seven different type of nuts. I could only name 2 of them and I suck totally. YES. Why 7? I really don't know but I did a search and found out today happens to be a day that witnessed a lot of things. Good ones lah of course. Did you also know that today (10th Muharram) is one of the holiest day for the Jews? That they fast for 25 hours? It's called Yom Kippur. It's also on the 10th day of the month Tishrei. I got TP's Stories We Could Tell, Azar Nafisi's Reading Lolita in Tehran and Peggy Elliot's A Small Part of History. I got an Altec too :D
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