hey homes
i've been doing nothing lately. slept at 3 'last night' finishing the last long post and drawing stuffs and editing. anyways, these are some of the lame stuffs i've been up to.

this 'creature' was supposed to shoot something, but all i can draw was a gun on it's side. the word 'ice kweems' means ice cream, just a touch of my laziness. That monstrous creature next to it is an ice cream cone with a smiling ice cream. This drawing is absolute sarcasm. You don't get a bunny holding up a lollipop and a gun while jumping on a trampoline and says it loves. and lives in a peace and love community. The colours were supposed to go darker, but i couldn't go anywhere to dark because it was 3 in the morning. Maybe i'll colour it again, this time using pastel paint.
they're ugly, i know. i dont even know why i bother posting it up.
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cause we gon' legal all the way!
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