hey homes
as you can see, the first image says it's from the 20's. Famous women wearing these styles were Coco Chanel (well known quite dead designer), Louise Brooks (dancer, but i seriously don't know that lady) and Zelda Sayre( famous flapper, wife to F. Scott Fitzgerald, who's an awesome writer). The 20's fashion were mostly short hair, cloche hats and long coats. If you've watched The Changeling, then you'd know.
© mills=) ™, 2010
as promised to zati, i'm posting a 'shitty' post because she did the 'Forever Alone' post. long story potong pendek, it's about the most said words. Mine was 's**t' and zati's was 'forever alone'. just look at her posts, they're full of it! but, i cant do a post about the 's' word. HAHA IMAGINE the pictures! sickkkk! prepare for a long post! anyhoots, here goes.

The 30's were more appealing, where women turn to a more genteel, ladylike appearance. Their foreheads were more showed as they wore more small plate shaped hats instead of cloche hats. Zippers were also invented during this time. Famous sex symbols includes Joan Crawford (actress), Alice Faye(singer and actress) and Vivien Leigh (actress and wife to Laurence Olivier!)
The 40's era was during the war era where women were more seen with sweaters. Instead with short hair, they preferably went with layered, wavy and feminine cut long hair which were usually up swept clean from the neck. Since it was in the war era, it was considered more patriotic to wear the Victory Roll which were short hair like Dita Von Tess'. Veronica Lake (Then sex symbol)'s hair during then was known as the 'peek-a-boo' bangs. Other sex symbols were also Rita Hayworth (actress and dancer), Olivia de Havilland (last living lead cast member of Gone with the Wind).
50's fashion traded the long coats for traditional shawls. Petticoats were also seen worn by more women, also during this time that the accepting of women wearing jeans and trousers. Introduction of flannel pants (or what we say as checkered poklen pants) and comfy rolled up shirts for the men. Christian Dior rose his fame during this era, and so were sex symbols such as Grace Kelly (later Princess of Monaco), Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe (if you do not know her, where have you been hiding all these times?) and my dead lover JAMES DEAN.
The sexy 60's were always labelled as era of mini skirts which were 6-7 inches above the knee introduced by Mary Quant. And also the era of big hairs! The most favoured and favorite of the era was the 5 pin cut by Vidal Sassoon. Introduction of pantyhose (now, widely known as tights) which were mostly worn with the mini skirts, but it died in the mid 60's, but later worn in the 90's or kept for personal eyes only. Jackie Kennedy (wife to President John F. Kennedy) made the pill box hat and three quarter sleeves very famous. Sex symbols during this era were Elizabeth Taylor, Natalie Wood and Raquel Welch.
The crazy 70's mixed every hot stuffs they saw. Wearing macro, mini and midi skirts. Long coats started to decline and were replaced with quilted padded duvet coats, hip length wool velour jackets and shaded ombre dyed raincoats because they were lighter. In the late 60's they brought in the hippie clothings which were commonly worn such as muumuus, djellaba (a Moroccan robe with a pointed hood) or jalabiya (a loose eastern robe). They wore that still in the 70's. There was also the flared trousers, bell bottoms and trouser suits, like what the Brady Bunch wore.Sex Symbols were the late Farrah Fawcett (Original Charlie's Angel), Ali MacGraw and Goldie Hawn (Kate Hudson's mum, not so sexy anymore, eh?).
The pop 80's is quite memorable and quite distinctive. Crazy huge shoulder pads being worn, the large square scarf. Diamante jewellery and pearls were worn day and evening without embarrassment.The early 80s saw a vogue for clutch handbags in many colours with matching shoes.Colour coordinated fashion was big throughout the 1980s.patterned tights returned, but now they were spotted or delicately textured lace, striped or enhanced with embellishment such as a flock flower, embroidery or diamante at the ankle.Shoes were both low and high. The person who mostly made these comebacks was Princess Diana of Wales. Other sex symbols were definitely Madonna, Kim Basinger (Alec Baldwin's wife), Michelle Pfeiffer, Heather Locklear.
The all new 90's went for Donna Karan designs for women. She uses quality jersey with Lycra and great cutting to produce capsule wardrobe garments that hide real women's body defects.Women of the nineties had learnt how to build capsule wardrobes from other ranges based on Karan's ideas. It's one reason why the nineties were so black. Lack of colour might be a better heading. Camouflage patterns appeared frequently on all ranges of clothes.Animal prints were equally popular ranging from leopard, wild cat, tiger, cow and zebra prints.By the early 1990s the only tights to wear with the short skirt of the time was black and opaque. By the late 90s the bare nude look leg was in vogue and natural toned tights were acceptable again. Many younger women simply abandoned tights altogether preferring the totally natural leg. Never before frowned upon until the nineties, the biggest faux pas was to wear tights with open strappy sandals. Known sex symbols were Sarah Michelle Gellar, Liv Tyler, Sandra Bullock, Julia Roberts and Pam Anderson.
sorry if it's too long. I tend to over write at times. This is one of them.
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copyrights baby! finally got it legal. admit it, pretty cool right? NYEHEHE
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