hello fuhreakkss!
today is AWESOME! for some reason, i love any day when i'm wearing my gym clothes. apakannn? PE uniform wahhh. today, is a SATURDAY! which means CCA! but, let's save that one for later. i had the total awesomeness sleeping on the way to school. because every other person was also sleeping. and it RAINED! HEAVILY! boy, was i over the moon! it really sucks when you have to wake up. right, anyways, when we reached school, it was EMPTY. Ziqah kept on asking 'mana kan semua orang? awal kah kami ani?' even Mo was blank. butttt, i have no answer to that, because it was 12.30 and there was no one. so, where were you people? =)
Science class: sing-along and i felt the heat killing me. i can't even remember why i wore my singlet.
English class: another discussion on the project. it went well. FRAIM!
Malay class: AHAHAHAHAHA! non stop laughing! i blame Redzuan for that! we were asked to make a short story, and these ideas came flying around! those names, their doings, HAHAHA! Cikgu Faridah flipped because we didn't finish the group activity.
CCA! it was great! it started to rain heavily again! (now i remember why i wore it) Wanie and I sat around talking about some issues and some of them made go 'EEEWWWWW' out! how do you say that again? nevermind that. Zaki and Mateen filled us up with Les Paul and Fender. oh, and PS3 and ice-box(Zaki). then, Amal Basirah and Khalidah joined in because somehow the conversation led us to Munakahat. :S we did talk about a few yellow stuff.ok, so it wasn't a few. it was ALOT! then, Mr. Perry vs. Hadirah on table-tennis. Everytime Hadirah beated Mr. Perry, we'd go 'OHHHH! GIRL POWER!' but if Mr.Perry beated Hadirah, we'd go 'OHHHHH! MAN POWER!' ahahahaha, it was getting pre-annoying. HAHAHA! then, Mateen tricked us by saying that our sneakers were soaked wet outside the surau. WE FREAKED! when we came in, he was laughing feeling amused! the rain was slowly decreasing, so we decided to go out early because we wanted to play under the rain. And, so began the tale of how i went nuts. HAHA. we caught up with Mr. Ken and we told him we're gonna play, he was like 'ok' . HAHA, baru yaa teacher nda peduli. usually, they'd be screaming saying 'HEY! DONT DO THAT!' so, when we reached the rain, haha, 'reached' is a funny word, it did rain, but not as heavily, Khalidah was like 'ani bukan hujan ni'. I had my bimbo moment and said 'yeah, its water' HAHA! i don't even know what that means. so, Wanie and I ended up playing in every puddle we could find. oh, hey, when i say 'play' please don't get that image of kids sitting on the ground playing with mud. atu gila tu eh. We just walked through it. right, i think that's it. ada pulang lagi, but i don't think all people should read about it. i'll tell 'you guys' on monday. get the image when i say 'you guys'. apakann, who are 'you guys' ? please stop me before i go further.
latersss homiess!
today is AWESOME! for some reason, i love any day when i'm wearing my gym clothes. apakannn? PE uniform wahhh. today, is a SATURDAY! which means CCA! but, let's save that one for later. i had the total awesomeness sleeping on the way to school. because every other person was also sleeping. and it RAINED! HEAVILY! boy, was i over the moon! it really sucks when you have to wake up. right, anyways, when we reached school, it was EMPTY. Ziqah kept on asking 'mana kan semua orang? awal kah kami ani?' even Mo was blank. butttt, i have no answer to that, because it was 12.30 and there was no one. so, where were you people? =)
Science class: sing-along and i felt the heat killing me. i can't even remember why i wore my singlet.
English class: another discussion on the project. it went well. FRAIM!
Malay class: AHAHAHAHAHA! non stop laughing! i blame Redzuan for that! we were asked to make a short story, and these ideas came flying around! those names, their doings, HAHAHA! Cikgu Faridah flipped because we didn't finish the group activity.
CCA! it was great! it started to rain heavily again! (now i remember why i wore it) Wanie and I sat around talking about some issues and some of them made go 'EEEWWWWW' out! how do you say that again? nevermind that. Zaki and Mateen filled us up with Les Paul and Fender. oh, and PS3 and ice-box(Zaki). then, Amal Basirah and Khalidah joined in because somehow the conversation led us to Munakahat. :S we did talk about a few yellow stuff.ok, so it wasn't a few. it was ALOT! then, Mr. Perry vs. Hadirah on table-tennis. Everytime Hadirah beated Mr. Perry, we'd go 'OHHHH! GIRL POWER!' but if Mr.Perry beated Hadirah, we'd go 'OHHHHH! MAN POWER!' ahahahaha, it was getting pre-annoying. HAHAHA! then, Mateen tricked us by saying that our sneakers were soaked wet outside the surau. WE FREAKED! when we came in, he was laughing feeling amused! the rain was slowly decreasing, so we decided to go out early because we wanted to play under the rain. And, so began the tale of how i went nuts. HAHA. we caught up with Mr. Ken and we told him we're gonna play, he was like 'ok' . HAHA, baru yaa teacher nda peduli. usually, they'd be screaming saying 'HEY! DONT DO THAT!' so, when we reached the rain, haha, 'reached' is a funny word, it did rain, but not as heavily, Khalidah was like 'ani bukan hujan ni'. I had my bimbo moment and said 'yeah, its water' HAHA! i don't even know what that means. so, Wanie and I ended up playing in every puddle we could find. oh, hey, when i say 'play' please don't get that image of kids sitting on the ground playing with mud. atu gila tu eh. We just walked through it. right, i think that's it. ada pulang lagi, but i don't think all people should read about it. i'll tell 'you guys' on monday. get the image when i say 'you guys'. apakann, who are 'you guys' ? please stop me before i go further.
latersss homiess!
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