lately, i've been listening to Pachelbel, Debussy,Fauré, Górecki, Vivaldi (my lovely favorite), Elgar, Dvorak, Rachmaninov and Massenet. i have no idea why. for some reason or another, i seem to be sinking in their compositions. nevermind, let's just scratch that.

right, i guess we'll be picking up my dad later, i thought he won't be back till next week. anyways, you know what's sad? having nothing to do. and going on msn every 5 minutes is just jobless. i told mum i'll be taking the week off. HAHA! define week! my week is only till tomorrow. i'll be starting to revise on monday. and also, what's sad is i finished reading the freakin encyclopedia. just encyclopedia no. 16 actually. that's what you call, jobless, lifeless and born to be boring.
i'm still compiling materials for the history project. i didn't know it would take me this far!
well, you did read my naggings, so now im off!

'i had such a great nap, mum' - this is what you get after letting your kid watch national geographic channel and let them watch people talking about dolphins.

laters people!
