Wild Weird Wisdom

Coming from me, this is about to get weird (just saying) or maybe not...

Here's a question for married couples:

If people find it hard to fall in love in the first place, why is it so easy to fall out of love after that?

Everyone has this "dream person" with qualities of their own and when you're young and looking out, you tend to be picky. You want those criteria to be filled. Through the mistakes you make, you eventually look at it as trial-and-error. It's not hard, it just takes time.

So why do people fall out of love eventually?

When you're dating, of course you want to be the best. You want to show your qualities and hide your faults. You go everywhere together, because you know you won't see them at night so the feeling is natural. But when you're married, the first face you see when you wake up is your spouse's and the last face you see before you sleep is your spouse's. Everyday. Same cycle. And then, comes the attitude and habits. Eventually the little things and faults will tick you off. Marriage is not a free pass to do whatever you want or show attitude that might come off as revolting or oppressive during the dating years. You don't talk while chewing, you don't leave underpants lying around, and most importantly, you do not own your significant other. Yet, people think it's okay because 'we're married'. Wrong. You should always present yourself nicely because they deserve you as much as you deserve them. There's also coming home from a long day of work to a house filled with kids and their tantrums or workers who screw up everything. You just get tired of the same routine.

So, missing your partner is a good thing?

Yes. Because you hardly see them, so however big or little their attitude or your problem is, the time gives an allowance for you to think more straight. It's good when you miss them because when they come home, you have a lot to tell, a lot to value, a lot to appreciate.

Do you think absence brings appreciation or weariness?

It's up to you. That's why trust is important. When you miss someone, you long for them more. But when you don't have trust, you tend to over think and make the scenario worse; calling every half an hour, text message every 45 minutes. Even married couples need space you know. You know that pepatah? 'Sayang anak ditangan-tangan, sayang isteri ditinggal-tinggal' From there you can already tell that to love your kids is to see them grow everyday but to love your partner is to never constantly be together. It dies out.

How can some people bring themselves to cheat on their spouses?

That.. don't ask me. I don't know. There are a lot of things to consider but then again, how is it ever fair to hurt the feelings of someone you've worked so hard to get? To them and to yourself? 

This (kind of awkward, intense but helpful) conversation between myself and my parents obviously was a mixture of Bruneian Malay and English but I altered them a bit to fit this post.
I've always wondered how some people can go on forever being married so I guess I found the answer?
This might've been more awkward for my dad hahaha

D: I think it's time for me to transfer dari offshore
M: Eh no balum lagi, you're not welcomed yet.
[my very straight forward mother, everyone]

