Finding the Human Element

The official last day of school tomorrow.
I tried googling 'sad last day of school' for the sake of this post but all I could find was either a kid having an arm cast on the last day of school or google suggesting a typing error.
Which leads me to think... am I the only one who's sad over this thing?
I guess so.

I want to do something different for this post and I thought 'why not post pictures and try different captions?' 

you are confused or maybe unsure what to do after this. Exams, and then what? For some there are the holidays, and some others have attachments, while some waits in anticipation for results because that piece of paper could determine their entire future

The thought of leaving school seems kind of crazy. It's crazy you finally leave your formal school days so sudden. You did not expect the day to come so soon.

You're confused! Suddenly you start to wonder the true existence of the human element. Like, where do I belong other than school, who are my people other than my lunch table people, where do I go to when I'm late other than the HEP or SFC? Have I truly belonged in Maktab Sains all these years? You finally acknowledge that your search for a sense of belonging was fulfilled a long time ago but you weren't sure so you kept wondering and looking and now that you've reached the end, you finally see that the people around you plays a huge huge role in making sure you don't lose your sanity, or fall when you need a backbone or got your back when you come late.  

Despite feeling psyched out because it's the last day of school, you can't deny that you will feel a little empty and sad the minute you step into your car to head back home and await for your first paper. All those hard work and hours of staying back, extra classes, study groups will prove itself worthy soon enough. 

You want to move on, but you can't shake the nostalgic feeling of the year. Your first day of school, the crazy people you eat lunch with, or maybe that time when you had an argument with your friend, the feeling of being under pressure because you have to get other things done other than school work, surprise birthdays, friends singing the birthday song (+joined by other people around), friends bringing a lot of food, breakups, getting together, Raya open houses, going 'eh inda blh mengumpat, bulan puasa jua ni', camwhoring, making your selfies as your friends' wallpaper. The year brought a lot but you have to keep going.

Just a few more days to getting married to books and instead of waiting 9 months, you have about 3 months for the results. It will be a challenge, especially if you think you only have one shot at doing the exams or only one shot at making 2013 a memorable one. 
For some, another shot can be taken next year, but for those who's really determined to get it going, in a few more days, war will begin. You're slightly sad and a bit worried but don't fuss because if you've been at Maktab Sains long enough, you'll realise that 

to every problem, there's a solution!

