After what seems like the longest day in school (and this is coming from me who's always complaining that time moves damn fast in school), I finally had the chance to cancel off that thing from my 'to-eat list'.
Or in this case, to drink, because I actually needed food so we went up to Qiulap/Kiulap/Qlap/Entah cemana spelling nya to get Gong Cha because Mum's was next to it.
With the hopes of me getting my hands on the croissant!
tapi nada!
so I settled for some bread roll (NO)

Spent the afternoon watching Wilde's Importance of Being Ernest with Wafiuddin #2 and #3 and then... to Nini's we go!

We left my Nini's place and they're just like 'ni bawa chocolate ah, betimbun dalam ice box'
and I'm just like why do they have so many chocolates?
I thought it'd be just 1 box, but they gave a few and I wondered where they got it because like the ingredients were written in some language I could not comprehend

Anyway, thank you Amalina for updating because I have been running out of things to read heheh
and to Izzat, who found my blog address!
This should be interesting...

See yer soon

