

The word of the day today is: LAMINGTONS 

If you've never heard of this word before, we can never be friends I'll tell you a bit of what it is. 

Let's start with what will make us all happy.
It's not a place somewhere in the country, or some British guy's YouTube channel.
It's food.
Heavenly food from above. 

According to Wiki, it's 'a dessert of New Zealand and Australian origin. It consists of squares of sponge cake coated first in a layer of traditionally chocolate icing, then in desiccated coconut'

I even linked them so you can check them out.
I'm never this nice about my food and here I am sharing of what seems to be THE MOST amazing thing ever.
Y'all better be glad.

Why Lamingtons?
Truthfully, I don't even know.
Probably because I had lamingtons for breakfast, for lunch and for last night's dinner.
That's how amazing they are.

And it's bitesize, so if you take a few bites of it, you indulge in the pleasure of those flavours exploding in your mouth and one lamington is enough.
Calorie counting guys, Raya's coming.
I mean, it's much better than pigging out on idk, crisps and dips? or Ice Cream even worse. or CHOCOLATES. the horror.
1 lamington for each meal, UGH imagine the awesomeness!

And here ya go!
Obviously that's not mine because it'd be long digested before I even bother to take a picture.

