Here I Am


I keep on thinking it's the end of May in a few days, thus the depression mode.
BUT, I kid.

I've been meaning to update for a while though but one thing always leads to not updating.
To sum it up, the whole week or those past few days since my last update went well.
There were a few mishaps but hey, there are no problems that can't be solved am I right?
Yes. I. Am.

It was bapa's birthday last night!
His flight arrived at 3 and the poor man had to entertain his guests the whole night instead of catching up on some sleep *insert laughing and crying emoji*
birthdays are like Hari Raya, sekali setahun
but then even though Hari Raya is 'sekali setahun', we all know this 'sekali' part of the sentence means 'to continue for about a week or until the kids go back to school'

So anyway, he thought it was going to be dinner for my sister's birthday and my sister thought it was dinner for my dad's!
The whole day their faces said 'i have a surprise for you'
it was for both of them hehehe

so yeah, dinner+good company+school+buddies+s'all good

I hope to update soon!

