I don't suppose that people actually know the reason I walk like "a thug".
Although sometimes I find it funny that it amuses people,
sometimes I feel weird.

Everyone says that it's cool and it's not funny,
but really,
it feels normal but people look at it in a different way than I do.

So to clarify things up, here we are.
I don't walk funny because I dislocated my ankle a few years back.
I was born with a condition called Bilateral Dislocated Hips.
I only found it out when I reviewed  my medical file a few months ago.
I always thought it was my ankle.

Apparently, when all other babies only wore one diaper, I had to wear two.
A layer over another to make sure my legs don't meet. 
Shit's called therapy.

I don't mind people telling me that I walk funny and they would already know it's me even if I'm at a distance away.
I like the idea that it amuses people.

The first thing that people tell me when they meet me for the first time is 'you walk funny but not in a bad way, macam cool'
And I'm just like, I'm glad that made your day.

Although sometimes I would like to see how I walk. 
I tried it once and I started laughing.
So, we cool here? :-)

