against words

hey you, yeah you
i see yourself as a traitor against your own words
You would go 'you're one to say'
at least i tried ok
i know how you're so hard to approach

someone told me you said we were growing apart or some shit synonymous to that
it could probably be anyone's fault really
i looked at it as my fault
oh yeah, it's probably because I'm not a walking diary
I do feel bad not telling you whatever is wrong with me
I do.
But then, would you actually care?
oh well, I'm glad anyway
I'm not one to tattle about fighting my demons

So, yeah that's basically the introduction to what I'm about to say. 
I am irritated that you keep doing this
Say things like this as if it's actually directed at someone in particular
I feel like I have to the bullet because I usually think it's me

& while I could actually contribute to that,
you're the majority.

Do I feel bad?
Do I feel worse when I found out I was isolated?
I mean, it's probably 'YOUR' thing to go around hiding shit behind backs, but really? 
You could have at least tried to conceal it properly

I admit I'm not really the friend who goes around 'aww, are you okay? should i help out your lady problems? i can't leave you alone, what if you broke down in tears?' 
seriously. no.
& I'm sorry that I'm not that.
I'm proud to say that I care but not in that stereotypical way that the world is used to because that's what girls do.
SHIT I tell you.

Point is, whatever, do your thing.
I don't care if I'm not invited.
The fact that you tried to hide that shit and not tell, yet you decided to flash it off somewhere else on the net is just fucked up.

I don't even know who my true friends are.
It gets more awkward the more I try. 

& stop copying the way I type.
That's my style.

