big 2


Obviously everyone is aware that today is a public holiday where Teacher's Day is celebrated in memory of the late 28th Sultan of Brunei, the Architect of Modern Brunei, Sultan Sir Haji Omar Ali Saifuddin Sa'adul Khairi Waddien. The Begawan Sultan. He's the man behind the Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan Science College.


Anyhoots, despite the idea of relaxing that I've been yearning, I woke up at 7 and went to school.
Funnily enough is that I actually had fun. We were supposed to do work but everyone was already finishing things. We tried making ketupat, but inda menjadi. It took me forever to make it, tapi I never finished it anyway.

Played Big 2, it's this chinese gambling game and Ameen's really good at it. So membuyuk you know.

OKAIS more stories next time.

