Shit, I think I might be suffering from manic disorder.
I got angry with myself today for letting emotions conquer me. I know I am strong enough and definitely capable of not letting that happen. But it did happen anyway and I stormed out after Isya and I didnt attend Tarawih. Im having mixed feelings now. All I wanna do is sleep t off and kill the other emo part of me later in my head.
I hate it when people try to reconcile me when I'm not in the mood and ask me stupid questions which supposedly is to make me feel beter. Well tough shit, I like to be left alone. It's called some 'alone-time and personal therapy' and not some emo series happening just to let you know. When I write things; it's very therapeutic for me and my mind.
I got angry with myself today for letting emotions conquer me. I know I am strong enough and definitely capable of not letting that happen. But it did happen anyway and I stormed out after Isya and I didnt attend Tarawih. Im having mixed feelings now. All I wanna do is sleep t off and kill the other emo part of me later in my head.
I hate it when people try to reconcile me when I'm not in the mood and ask me stupid questions which supposedly is to make me feel beter. Well tough shit, I like to be left alone. It's called some 'alone-time and personal therapy' and not some emo series happening just to let you know. When I write things; it's very therapeutic for me and my mind.
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