So, I'm back baby and God knows how great and tremendous and exciting Kem Qiadah has been:) It was a great experience to project leadership and communicating skills, and not to mention time management ;) and I think everyone did that quite well *sarcasm inserted* ok, seriously, some didn't take aeons to shower but some took like, snail speed to finish it. Then again, it was super fun. Inda menyasal join. My group was team HUMBOLT and although we didn't win anything, we seriously had fun. There were a lot of funny bits during KQ and some were quite tear-shedding like the night the whole auditorium cried, the day KQ finished and the day half of the school got food poisoning and maybe the day where we played a game and it ended up looking like a battlefield with dusty air and bleeding, wounded girls.
I loved every second we spent except for the showering part though unless you wake up super early or super late, then that away, you won't have a problem showering;) I did things that I didn't know I was able to do, like waking up at 4 to shower, eating Tiger biscuits for late night dinner and scooping Peanut Butter with a plastic spoon:) KQ can be explained only by one word; Indescribable. My group mates were super fantastic but erm, the fascis not so much. In exception of Ms. Ping of course:) She's funny with her lame jokes :D I just wish I can explain everything bit by bit.
Funny shizzles:
'Whatchu say?!
'Bismillahhirahmannirrahim. -dude
Waalaikumsalam. -Haziq '
No offense to any members of Darwin though, but your cheer is so catchy! I lovelovelove it! Well, WHATEVERLAH seems to be Ms. Ping's favourite word:)
Right now, aside from missing KQ, I, for the first time wish I have a Facebook account right now:( Damn you easy distractions.
So, I'm back baby and God knows how great and tremendous and exciting Kem Qiadah has been:) It was a great experience to project leadership and communicating skills, and not to mention time management ;) and I think everyone did that quite well *sarcasm inserted* ok, seriously, some didn't take aeons to shower but some took like, snail speed to finish it. Then again, it was super fun. Inda menyasal join. My group was team HUMBOLT and although we didn't win anything, we seriously had fun. There were a lot of funny bits during KQ and some were quite tear-shedding like the night the whole auditorium cried, the day KQ finished and the day half of the school got food poisoning and maybe the day where we played a game and it ended up looking like a battlefield with dusty air and bleeding, wounded girls.
I loved every second we spent except for the showering part though unless you wake up super early or super late, then that away, you won't have a problem showering;) I did things that I didn't know I was able to do, like waking up at 4 to shower, eating Tiger biscuits for late night dinner and scooping Peanut Butter with a plastic spoon:) KQ can be explained only by one word; Indescribable. My group mates were super fantastic but erm, the fascis not so much. In exception of Ms. Ping of course:) She's funny with her lame jokes :D I just wish I can explain everything bit by bit.
Funny shizzles:
'Whatchu say?!
'Bismillahhirahmannirrahim. -dude
Waalaikumsalam. -Haziq '
No offense to any members of Darwin though, but your cheer is so catchy! I lovelovelove it! Well, WHATEVERLAH seems to be Ms. Ping's favourite word:)
Right now, aside from missing KQ, I, for the first time wish I have a Facebook account right now:( Damn you easy distractions.
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