SO, the canteen was amazingly empty today :D What an insightful highlight to my day. No offence to anyone, but for the first time I didn't have to barge in and stumble myself for food. YES, I LOVE M Y FOOD THAT MUCH :) So, my day went quite fast today, without realizing, it was already 12.30.
WAIT, we go back to ENGLISH. As usual, we continued on with our speech starting with the lovely Hailey.
Hails : What being [NORMAL] is all about. She said that if we're gonna listen to every comment other people give, no sh** that there will be no individuals. well, she didnt say the 'no sh**' part, but it gives more meaning. for me lah :D she made a clear point that we just have to be ourselves.
Nabilah: DREAMS. a different kind of dreams compared to Nicola's. This is more to ambition. She really did inspire me to make a step, even if it's a small one. Thank you Nabilah. Seriously.
Natrisha : DEPRESSION. I couldn't relate myself to the topic but yeah. Don't get depressed.
Watiqah: FASHION. I think this speech is more of ' a Watiqah speech ' because it's totally her. No one else can talk about fashion the way she does. She highlighted everything. HEAD to TOE.
Alyana: HENRY LAU. Although I do not know who he is, but I can very well see that she is so in love with him. She was really off at first and then she was like 'I'm nervous bah' HAHAHA, funny if you were there.
Sylvia: GREEK MYTHOLOGY. I was over the moon when she decided to talk about this. I love greek mythology! But then, Syl was too fast. Nevertheless, she did well!
Vanessa: POP MUSIC ROCKS! She highlighted that the POP genre is like THE BEST SHIZZ EVERR! She actually did a beat before her speech which was so cool.
Ester: SAVE TREES! I love the way she talked. It was very convincing. She also made a good point on saving trees. LAVVV IT
Zirah: WHY DON'T MUSLIMS CELEBRATE V DAY? OMMMMGGGGGG, I love her's the best! My attention span actually expanded and I wanted more. The title is one of what she said. It's a hadith from the Prophet. The announcement thing kept on interrupting her for like a billion times, but we just wanted more of it! She explained it from a perspective that's rarely used. INDESCRIBABLE.
Aisyah: MONA LISA. It was a very detailed explanation. Very fact-y, you know what I'm saying?
OHHHHHH RIGHHTT, GUESS WHAT HAPPEND? I left my form in the class and we're supposed to hand it on Monday! AIIIIIIIIIII! I hope still got space.
Congratulations to Sir Rizal on the arrival of his first baby :)
OK, photos from just now. Pretty view BTW :)
you know what they say, save the best for last :)
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