hey homes!
i had to play with some codes in the morning and thus, giving you icons which is amusing to me.
last night, everyone was busy talking about the non-stop exploding Mt. Merapi in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Looking at the news, most of them believes it's part of their Java myth. If you believe in myths, you surely will believe this one. Just like Brunei. I do. There's this saying that Brunei is guarded by a dragon. It sounds cooler in malay. Brunei kana jaga uleh naga. eyeahhh. HAHAHA. They say kepala naga di Subok, the tail di Jerudong. nah kan? di Jerudong jua. :DD no, but true. How could you not believe that after the story of Ong Sum Ping with the naga fighting for the 'kumala' ? In addition, the 'kumala' is at Royal Regalia. After many stories which all sounds the same, let me tell you. Kan dulu-dulu, nada orang berani ke Jerudong pasal memang nda beusul jua. All covered with trees. So, that was really brave of Sultan Saiful Rijal to retreat to Jerudong. Anyways, ada orang cerita that time durang kan menatak pokok di Jerudong, they saw this one really big bark lying on the ground. It was a funny looking one, but hey, siapa jua inda mau mun saiznya basar? So, time durg tatak the bark, the funny thing is, it started to bleed. So, that adds to the addition of dragons in brunei. That's why ramai orang cakap, out of all the leaders and countries di dunia, Brunei saja yang berdaulat. If you've read stories on Sultan Husin Kamaludin (Marhum Di Luba), you'd know. So, it is our duty to keep it flowing.
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