Back to Blogging Pt. IV


//Long post ahead

I haven't seen my blog since the last time I wrote and I just realised how completely obnoxious I sound having a blog that's named after myself.
However, the subtitle says it's for when you run out of things to read, which makes more sense because we all know you're up for some good entertainment when you wanna read what I've written! (alternatively, you are at a very low point in your life when you decide to settle with reading my blog) ((but I prefer the first one and we can both agree with I'm fun...ny))

I got inspired to blog again after I read Amalina's blog, which after a few paragraphs down, I found out she was also inspired to blog again from a friend.
Loving the chain reaction so far.

So let's start with the most obvious topic EVER:
-A Levels
-A Levels
-A Levels
-Post A Levels
Take a pick guys!
What's that? Wha? Oh, A Levels? Ok, I guess we can talk about that.

So.....Let's A LEVELS

I don't know if it's already clarified but we can all agree that A Levels will be the most important exam you will ever encounter in your life.
It is also the craziest, mind-fucking exam you will sit for.
How hard is A Levels you might ask? To quote a senior, "payahnya sampai ke palui"
I mean, even the sentence makes no sense but it eventually will, when you sit for it.

Now let's move on to Post A Levels.

To be legit, you can only place yourself in this category after results are out. If it's not out yet, then, my friend, you are in limbo; unable to move on but not quite able to do anything about it just yet.
When results came out, I was happy with mine. More grateful than happy, but overall, content.
And then people started asking "So what are you going to do next?" "Where are you going?" "Overseas? UBD? Loan?"
....The answer is I honestly don't know.
To be more frank, the answer is I never thought I'd pass beyond the clutches of A Levels and I have been preparing myself with the mentality to retake all my 12  papers.
Because shit guys, retaking your AS during A2 is not funny at all, however, a great idea to up your marks.

As if not knowing what to do is already bad, comes along THE FEELINGS.

It's good to be happy with what you've achieved, good or bad. That's because you know it's all you.
It's your hard work and you do it for you.
So, when there are judgmental people who say what you achieved is not good enough, you don't listen to them.
I mean, why should you? You never asked for help from them and most importantly, where were they during your struggles?
"Those who weren't there during your low sure as hell don't deserve to be there during your best"
(I might've tweaked that a bit but the general idea is like that)

Just very recently, a person I know very well and respected asked me what I got (which was already hard for me to tell because I don't discuss my grades unless you're my parents, my close friends, my teachers or someone genuinely interested in my education) so I told him. Few minutes later he repeated my grades and said 'inda belajar kah?'
It...stung. It hurts, but not as much as I anticipated.
Out of respect, I bit my tongue and kept quiet because there really was no point in having to argue 1) about something you can't change and 2) with an oldER man with so much pride and ego.

Over the years, I try to avoid the same man, I work my ass off just so this same man can finally be "proud" of me.
What the fuck was I thinking.
Where was the point in having to please someone who did not care about my welfare in general? What did I want to prove to him?
Fortunately for me, after a very unfortunate event and very tearful night after my O Level results came out (thanks to aforementioned man), I finally finally learned to do things FOR ME MYSELF AND I.
Selfish as it sounds, it really was the best decision I made.

Now, I'm happy with my grades. Sure, it's not the best in general but it's the best for me.
I walked the year 2014 with fear that I would have to retake my A Levels, but I didn't.
There are other worse things that can happen, but for now, I am content.

Tonight I concluded that if you're truly happy and secure about yourself, nothing can bring you down.
The incident with that man would have torn me into pieces but I am still intact and still ready to move on.

Good night O Levels, AS Levels, and A2.
3 years of big exams, it's time to rest for a while now.
(I'm not bored yet with doing nothing)

To more sunny days and calm waves in the future,

